May 26, 2024 · To transform a Lisp program into a JavaScript program, you need to convert it to an intermediate representation. I used an Abstract Syntax Tree ...
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Apr 7, 2022 · A Scheme interpreter accepts a Scheme program's source code, evaluates the program's expressions, and returns the final result.
The first stage of parsing a language is performing lexical analysis. This is essentially taking the string input of the source and chopping it down into ...
This reference will take you through simple and practical approach while learning LISP Programming language.
LIPS Scheme is powerful lisp interpreter written in JavaScript. The aim of the project is to fully support R7RS specification of Scheme Programming Language.
Little Lisp is an interpreter that supports function invocation, lambdas, lets, ifs, numbers, strings, a few library functions, and lists.
A number of Lisp instructions are implemented (see below). The choice of instructions and some of the implementations of the composite functions were taken from ...
This is a tutorial on how to implement a programming language. If you ever wrote an interpreter or a compiler, then there is probably nothing new for you here.
Nov 20, 2018 · In this post we'll write a simple compiler in Javascript (on Node) without any third-party libraries.
Dec 28, 2020 · This should give you the very basic description of how a very basic Lisp interpreter is constructed, all the way to the metacircular evaluator.