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2 days ago · That is what Bash, Perl, TCL, Python, JavaScript and newer "scripting languages" are meant for. However, I find Lisp to be a better as a hackable language than ...
4 days ago · I've been noticing a significant shift towards statically typed languages like Go and Rust in recent years, and I wanted to get some opinions on this trend.
3 days ago · hello everyone i've been tinkering around with python and im really liking it but am finding it a bit tricky i just wanted to ask, is python the best…
5 days ago · Render your system completely perlless (i.e. without the perl interpreter). This includes a mechanism so that your build fails if it contains a Nix store path ...
1 day ago · Golang does not have true JavaScript Object Notation because it is strongly typed, so you need lots of Golang Notation to make it work. Also it only has it ...
5 days ago · I am a front end web developer with little knowledge of backend so just wanted to ask should I learn python.Like I see so many full stack