Simple implementation of Scheme based lisp written in JavaScript. This is first version that later become LIPS Scheme....
May 26, 2024 · Parsing. To transform a Lisp program into a JavaScript program, you need to convert it to an intermediate representation. I used an Abstract ...
Since macros are Lisp functions, you'd need to compile and execute them—but the compiler, being in JavaScript, has no access to an execution environment. My ...
Video for jscript lisp interpreter
Feb 22, 2014 · A step-by-step walk through the code for a Lisp interpreter written in JavaScript. An article ...
Duration: 9:40
Posted: Feb 22, 2014
In Scheme slang, a tail call is a procedure call that has been turned into a kind of goto, and so doesn't require a new stack frame or return linkage.
Jul 5, 2013 · Using macros readers, it's possible to interpret JavaScript, and have it compiled just like normal Common Lisp code. Hence getting the benefits ...
Dec 23, 2013 · Lisp Interpreter in JavaScript. NOTE: This page has suffered from neglect and DOM drift, unfortunately. It used to work quite well in older ...
Nov 30, 2015 · i tried to make a simple and basic lisp interpreter using JavaScript. First of all am new to js, and i cleared most of the errors in the ...
This is a recapitulation of the talk I gave at BrooklynJS in February 2014. I covered the same material at a more measured pace in this article.
Nov 20, 2018 · Writing a lisp compiler from scratch in JavaScript: 1. lisp to assembly · Parsing · Assembly 101 · Function calling convention · Code generation.