Parenscript is nice because you don't need complicated externs: it has a pretty straightforward mapping to JS symbols and no runtime. However, the downside is ...
Jun 29, 2023 · Parenscript is a translator from an extended subset of Common Lisp to JavaScript. Parenscript code can run almost identically on both the browser (as ...
Parenscript is a translator from an extended subset of Common Lisp to JavaScript. Parenscript code can run almost identically on both the browser (as ...
May 18, 2024 · Parenscript itself is (basically) just a function that takes code and spits out a JS string, so there's not really a development environment ...
Parenscript is the CL's answer to the ClojureScript. It makes possible to write client-side code in Lisp and compile it to the Javascript for running in the ...
reblocks-parenscript - An utility to define JavaScript dependencies for Weblocks widgets using Parenscript. · REBLOCKS-PARENSCRIPT ASDF System Details.
Oct 15, 2019 · Parenscript provides the LET and LET* special forms for creating new variable bindings. Both special forms implement lexical scope by renaming ...
Mar 2, 2023 · Parenscript is JS with macros written in CL, which is extremely handy for me.
Sep 27, 2015 · As mentioned before, we have two Parenscript functions. One handles the initial event and the other handles the callback from the server. I'll ...