Calling upon the Benevolent Spirit: The Positive Powers of Orias and How to Summon Him for Your Benefit

Written by: Peter Vermeeren



Time to read 10 min

Have you ever heard about the positive powers of demon Orias? If you are curious about demons and how to summon them, you may have come across this name. In this article, we will explore who demon Orias is, what the grimoire of World of Amulets says about him, and how to harness his powers for your benefit.

Sigil and enn of Orias

sigil of orias

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Who is Demon Orias?

Demon Orias is a powerful spirit, also known as a demon, who is believed to have originated in ancient Mesopotamia. According to demonology, he is one of the 72 demons mentioned in the Ars Goetia, a grimoire compiled in the seventeenth century.

Orias is considered a Great Marquis of Hell, who appears as a lion riding a horse. He is known to possess the power of divination, clairvoyance, and psychic abilities. He is also believed to be able to teach astrology and other occult sciences.

However, unlike many other demons, Orias is said to be benevolent and willing to help those who summon him for good purposes.

What Does the Grimoire of World of Amulets Say About Orias?

The grimoire of World of Amulets, an ancient text on magic and the occult, describes Orias as a powerful demon who can bring positive changes into your life. According to the grimoire, Orias can help you with divination, clairvoyance, and astral projection. He is also said to be able to help you find lost objects and give you insight into your future.

However, the grimoire also warns that summoning Orias can be dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the ritual and to follow it precisely to avoid negative consequences.

How to Summon Orias?

If you want to harness the positive powers of Orias, you must summon him properly. The summoning ritual is complex and involves many steps, but here is a brief overview of what you need to do:

  1. Prepare your ritual space: Choose a quiet and private location where you will not be disturbed. Set up an altar and place a candle, a piece of paper, and a pen on it.
  2. Draw Orias's sigil: On the paper, draw Orias's sigil, a symbol that represents him. You can find the sigil in the grimoire of World of Amulets.
  3. Light the candle: Light the candle on the altar and focus your attention on the flame.
  4. Chant Orias's enn: Enns are specific chants that are believed to call forth the spirit. Orias's enn is "Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlic, Orias."
  5. Call out Orias's name: Say Orias's name three times, and then recite the following invocation: "Great Marquis Orias, I call upon you to appear before me. By the power of the grimoire of World of Amulets, I summon you to grant me your divine aid."
  6. Wait for Orias's response: You may feel a presence or see a vision. Be patient and keep your mind focused on your intention.
  7. Thank Orias and close the ritual: When you feel that the ritual is complete, thank Orias for his assistance and close the ritual by extinguishing the candle.


Demon Orias is a powerful spirit that can bring positive changes into your life if summoned properly. According to the grimoire of World of Amulets, Orias possesses the power of divination, clairvoyance, and psychic abilities, and can help you find lost objects and give you insight into your future. However, summoning Orias is not without risks, and it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the ritual and follow it precisely.

If you are considering summoning Orias or any other demon, it is important to approach it with caution and respect. Demons are powerful entities, and summoning them can have unexpected consequences. Before attempting any ritual, it is best to do thorough research and understand the risks involved.

In conclusion, demon Orias is a powerful spirit that can bring positive changes into your life if summoned properly. His powers of divination, clairvoyance, and psychic abilities can be harnessed for your benefit. If you decide to summon him, do so with caution and respect, and always follow the instructions precisely. By doing so, you may be able to tap into the positive powers of demon Orias and achieve your goals.

Aspects of Demon Orias

The Planet of Demon Orias

As we explore the fascinating attributes of demon Orias, we find its connection to the planet Venus. This celestial alignment highlights Orias' influence over matters of love, beauty, and desire. By understanding this planetary connection, we can gain deeper insight into Orias' dominion and the impact it may have on our lives.

The Metal of Demon Orias

Delving into the realm of material associations, we discover that the metal associated with Orias is bronze. This ancient alloy symbolizes strength, endurance, and resilience. Incorporating bronze in rituals or symbolic representations can help establish a stronger connection with Orias and invoke its distinct energies.

The Elemental Affinity of Demon Orias

When it comes to elemental forces, Orias is closely associated with the element of air. This affiliation grants Orias the ability to manipulate and channel the currents of thoughts, ideas, and communication. By embracing this elemental aspect, practitioners may seek guidance from Orias in matters related to intellectual pursuits, creative inspiration, and effective communication.

The Astrological Sign Assigned to Demon Orias

Exploring Orias' astrological significance, we find its association with the sign of Libra. As the scales of balance govern Libra, Orias bestows a keen sense of justice, diplomacy, and harmony upon those who seek its guidance. Individuals born under Libra can harness Orias' energies to promote equilibrium, cultivate healthy relationships, and navigate conflicts with finesse.

Offerings to Demon Orias

To establish a meaningful connection with Orias, it is essential to offer suitable tributes. Recommended offerings may include fragrant incense, captivating flowers such as roses or lilies, and offerings of sweet and savory delicacies. It is crucial to approach these offerings with sincerity and respect, acknowledging Orias' power and seeking its benevolent guidance.

Symbiosis with Other Formidable Demons

Intriguingly, Orias forms symbiotic relationships with several other powerful demons. Let us explore three such connections, each unique in its own right:

  1. Demon Vepar: Vepar, a demon associated with water, shares a symbiotic bond with Orias. Together, they enhance the practitioner's ability to navigate emotional depths, gain insight into hidden truths, and foster spiritual growth.
  2. Demon Gremory: Orias finds synergy with Gremory, a demon known for its association with the realm of dreams and astral projection. This union grants seekers the power to unlock their subconscious minds, harnessing the ability to explore astral realms and interpret prophetic visions.
  3. Demon Vassago: Vassago, a demon renowned for its clairvoyant abilities, forms a harmonious alliance with Orias. Combining their energies enables practitioners to develop their intuition, expand their psychic senses, and gain deeper understanding and foresight into future events.

Maximizing Your Connection with Demon Orias

To maximize your connection with Orias, it is crucial to approach this ancient entity with reverence and sincerity. Remember to conduct thorough research, consult reliable sources, and seek guidance from experienced practitioners. Cultivating a respectful relationship with Orias can unlock its potent energies and bring about transformative experiences.

In conclusion, exploring the multifaceted aspects of Demon Orias unveils a captivating journey into the realm of demons. By understanding Orias' planetary influence, preferred metals, elemental affinity, astrological association, suggested offerings, and symbiotic relationships, practitioners can forge a profound connection and harness its unique powers.

As you embark on this path, it is essential to approach the rituals and practices with utmost respect and caution. Always prioritize your safety and well-being, and seek guidance from experienced practitioners or spiritual mentors. Now, let us delve deeper into the remaining aspects of Demon Orias.

Symbols and Sigils of Orias

To further strengthen your connection with Orias, you may explore the use of symbols and sigils associated with this powerful demon. These intricate and carefully crafted symbols act as gateways to Orias' realm, enabling practitioners to establish a profound link. Research and study these symbols diligently, ensuring accurate replication to maintain their potency.

Rituals and Spells for Working with Demon Orias

Engaging in rituals and spells can be a transformative experience when working with Demon Orias. These practices serve as a means to establish a deeper connection, seek guidance, or manifest desired outcomes. However, it is crucial to approach such rituals with sincerity and the utmost respect for the energies involved.

During rituals, practitioners may choose to invoke Orias through the recitation of specific incantations or prayers. The incantations should be crafted with care, acknowledging Orias' power, and stating your intentions clearly. It is advisable to perform rituals in a sacred space, free from distractions, and with appropriate protective measures in place.

Protection and Boundaries

As with any spiritual practice, maintaining personal protection and boundaries is of utmost importance. While working with Demon Orias, it is crucial to establish clear intentions and protective measures. This can include creating a sacred circle, utilizing protective crystals, or calling upon guardian spirits for guidance and support.

Remember to release the energies and dismiss any entities invoked once your ritual or practice is complete. This ensures a respectful closure and helps maintain a healthy balance in your spiritual journey.

Final Thoughts

Exploring the aspects of Demon Orias unlocks a world of hidden wisdom and ancient power. By understanding its planetary influence, preferred metals, elemental affinity, astrological association, suggested offerings, and symbiotic relationships, you gain insight into Orias' realm and its potential impact on your life.

As you delve into the depths of demonology, always approach the subject with an open mind, sincerity, and respect. Seek knowledge from reputable sources, connect with experienced practitioners, and embrace your own intuition along the way. Remember, the world of demons is both fascinating and intricate, and it is our responsibility to navigate it with wisdom and reverence.

May your journey into the realms of Demon Orias be one of enlightenment, growth, and empowerment. Embrace the transformative energies and unravel the mysteries that await you.

Tap into the powers of Orias with these unique tools

Are you curious about Demon Sigils and Enns? Perhaps you've heard of the Sigil of Orias and are wondering what it's all about. In this article, we'll explore the basics of demon sigils and Enns, and how they relate to the Sigil of Orias. Whether you're interested in summoning demons or simply want to learn more about this fascinating topic, read on to find out more.

What are Demon Sigils and Enns?

Demon sigils are symbols that are believed to represent specific demons. These sigils are often used in rituals or spells to call upon the demon they represent. Enns, on the other hand, are short chants or incantations that are used to evoke specific demons.

Both demon sigils and Enns are important components of demonology and are often used in rituals of initiation or summoning. These practices can be controversial, and it's important to exercise caution and proper knowledge if you choose to engage in them.

The Sigil of Orias

One specific demon sigil that has gained popularity in recent years is the Sigil of Orias. Orias is believed to be a powerful demon who can grant knowledge and understanding to those who call upon him. The Sigil of Orias is often used in rituals of initiation and is thought to provide protection and guidance to the practitioner.

Summoning and Initiation

Summoning demons is a complex and often dangerous practice that should only be attempted by experienced practitioners. However, for those who are interested in learning more about this topic, there are many resources available that can provide guidance and instruction.

Initiation rituals are an important part of many occult practices and can be used to connect with specific demons or spiritual entities. These rituals often involve the use of sigils, Enns, and other tools to create a sacred space and invite the demon or entity into the practitioner's life.


Whether you're a seasoned practitioner of demonology or simply curious about the topic, understanding demon sigils and Enns is an important part of exploring this fascinating subject. The Sigil of Orias is just one example of the many powerful symbols and rituals that are used in this practice, and there is much to learn and explore for those who are interested. Remember to exercise caution and proper knowledge if you choose to engage in these practices, and always prioritize your safety and well-being above all else.

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Autor: Takaharu

Dive into the mystical with me, Takaharu, guide and master at the Terra Incognita School of Magic. Boasting over 31 years of enchantments, I'm your go-to for all things Olympian Gods, the mystifying Abraxas, and the nuanced world of Demonology. Within our magical halls and our charming shop (where the unexpected is just another Tuesday), I stand ready to unveil the arcane, steering you through the esoteric with a wink and a spell. Embark on this bewitching adventure, where ancient wisdom meets a dash of whimsy, and discover the magic that doesn’t just sparkle, but occasionally bursts into unpredictable laughter.

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