The Art of Swatland is home to the art of Katie and Sally Swatland. 
Generational painters, raised by the ocean, their paintings instill a sense of wonder and curiosity. 

katie swatland

Katie’s work is as ‘an intrinsic dance between reality and rêverie.’ She approaches the canvas through means of discovery, imparting a sense of playful curiosity throughout a broad range of subject matter. Gestural brushwork combine with areas of transparency, contrasted by passages of thick impasto paint, all intermingle in a symphony of lost and found edges. 

“It is the space within the edges where the light meets the dark that the most intriguing and enchanting phenomena occur. It is here where I like to play the most . . . ♦ 1 brushstroke @ a time , ♦ 1 breath @ a time . . .” —Swatland

“There are moments in our lives, there are moments in a day, when we seem to see beyond the usual. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such are the moments of our greatest wisdom. If one could but recall this vision by some sort of impression . . . it was in this hope that the arts were invented. Impressions on the way to what was, what is, and what may be. Impressions toward greater knowledge . . . Impressions of pure joy.” — THE ART SPIRIT

Sally’s paintings are fresh ocean breezes, warm sunshine, and the sounds of incoming tides. They are memories of childhood . . . of long summer days spent exploring the shoreline. Her paintings are treasures that spark imagination and wonder with color palettes of watery blues, bright sandy whites, sage greens, and warm touches of yellows and reds. Living with her paintings bring a sense of calming joy into a space . . . ocean memories to last a lifetime.  

sally swatland

“I love to paint reflections. Some of my favorite times by the ocean are when the tide is on its way out. There is so much beauty in what is revealed in the wet sand.” — Sally

Please excuse our appearance as we build this section. it will soon include katie and sally’s full bios with their stories, education, exhibitions and press.

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