
Richard Scott Larson is a queer writer and critic. His debut memoir, The Long Hallway, was published by the University of Wisconsin Press. Born and raised in the suburbs of St. Louis, he studied literature and film criticism at Hunter College and earned his MFA from New York University. He has received fellowships from MacDowell and the New York Foundation for the Arts, and his work has been supported by residencies from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Vermont Studio Center, Paragraph Workspace for Writers, La Porte Peinte, and the Willa Cather Foundation.

His creative and critical work has appeared in The Sun Magazine, Los Angeles Review of Books, Chicago Review of Books, Harvard Review, Electric Literature, Washington Square Review, Slant Magazine, Joyland, Colorado Review, Booth, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Wigleaf, and many other journals and anthologies, including It Came From the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror (Feminist Press). He’s an active member of the National Book Critics Circle, and his writing has been recognized twice by The Best American Essays. He works as the Program Manager of the Expository Writing Program at NYU, and he lives in Brooklyn.