Archive for the 'Minimal surfaces' Category


Chen-Gackstatter Minimal Surface

The Chen-Gackstatter Minimal Surface is a modified Enneper surface with holes in it. The following Mathematica code uses some functions that were adapted from Matthias Weber’sMathematica notebook:
(* runtime: 0.4 second *)
<< Graphics`Shapes`; k = 5; n = (k - 1)/k; rho = 1.0/Sqrt[4^n Gamma[(3 - n)/2] Gamma[1 + n/2]/(Gamma[(3 +n)/2]Gamma[1 - n/2])];
phi[n_, z_] := z^(1 + n)Hypergeometric2F1[(1 + n)/2, n, (3 + n)/2, z^2]/(1 + n); f[z_] := {0.5(phi[n, z]/rho - rho phi[-n, z]), 0.5I(rho phi[-n, z] + phi[n, z]/rho), z};
surface = ParametricPlot3D[Re[f[r Exp[I theta]]], {r, 0, 2}, {theta, 1*^-6, 2Pi}, PlotPoints -> {9, 33}, Compiled -> False, DisplayFunction -> Identity][[1]];
Show[Graphics3D[Table[RotateShape[surface, 0, 0, 2Pi i/k], {i, 0, k - 1}]]]


Scherk-Collins Surface

This surface can be formed by twisting and warping a singly-periodic Scherk’s minimal surface. This idea was originally attributed to Brent Collins. Technically, the surface is no longer considered exactly “minimal” after twisting but it still looks minimal (it is actually very difficult to find the exact shape for most minimal surfaces). Click here to download some POV-Ray code.

Here is some Mathematica code:
(* runtime: 0.3 second *)
<< Graphics`Master`; n = 5; r = 0.75n;
Twist[{x_, y_, z_}, theta_] := {x Cos[theta] - y Sin[theta], x Sin[theta] + y Cos[theta], z};
Warp[{x_, y_, z_}, theta_] := {(x + r) Cos[theta], (x + r) Sin[theta], y};
f[z_] := Module[{t1 = Sqrt[2Cot[z]], t2 = Cot[z] + 1}, Warp[Twist[Re[{0.5xsign(Log[t1 - t2] - Log[t1 + t2])/Sqrt[2], ysign I(ArcTan[1 - t1] - ArcTan[1 + t1])/Sqrt[2], z}], 2Re[z]/n], 2Re[z]/n]];
DisplayTogether[Table[ParametricPlot3D[f[x + I y], {x, 0, n Pi}, {y, 0.001, 0.75}, PlotPoints -> {8n + 1, 5}, Compiled -> False], {xsign, -1, 1, 2}, {ysign, -1, 1, 2}]]

The following Mathematica code can be used to increase the number of edges (or “branches”). This code uses some complicated functions that were adapted from Matthias Weber’s Mathematica notebook:
(* runtime: 1.2 seconds *)
<< Graphics`Shapes`; k = 4; phi = Pi(0.6/k - 0.5)/(1 - k);
f[z_] := Re[NIntegrate[Evaluate[{0.5 (w^(1 - k) - w^(k - 1)), 0.5 I (w^(1 - k) + w^(k - 1)), 1}/(w^(k + 1) + w^(1 - k) - 2w Cos[k phi])], {w, 0, z}]];
alpha = Pi/k; zbeta = Exp[I Pi(phi/alpha - 0.5)];
surface = ParametricPlot3D[Re[f[Exp[I alpha/2]((1 + I zbeta Exp[r + I theta])/(I Exp[r + I theta] -zbeta))^(alpha/Pi)]], {r, 0, 4}, {theta, 0, Pi}, PlotPoints -> 10, Compiled -> False, DisplayFunction -> Identity][[1]];
z0 = f[1][[3]]; surface = {surface, AffineShape[TranslateShape[surface, {0, 0, -2z0}], {1, 1, -1}]};
surface = {surface, AffineShape[surface, {1, -1, 1}]}; surface = Table[RotateShape[surface, 2Pi i/k, 0, 0], {i, 1, k}];
dz = Pi Csc[k phi]/k; Show[Graphics3D[Table[TranslateShape[surface, {0, 0, i dz}], {i, 0, 1}]]]



Punctured Helicoid

Here is a helicoidwith holes in it. The following Mathematica code uses some complicated functions that were adapted from Matthias Weber’sMathematica notebook:
(* runtime: 4 seconds *)
<< Graphics`Shapes`;
tau0 = Exp[1.23409 I]; b0 = 0.629065; theta[z_] := EllipticTheta[1, Pi z, Exp[I Pi tau0]];
r1[z_] := theta[z + 0.5 (b0 - 2) (tau0 + 1)]/theta[z + 0.5 (b0 - 1) (tau0 + 1)]; r2[z_] := theta[z - 0.5 b0 (tau0 + 1)]/theta[z - 0.5 (b0 + 1) (tau0 + 1)];
omega3[z_] := r1[z] r2[z]/(0.386191 - 0.169839 I); G[z_] := (108.37 - 62.8417 I) Exp[I Pi (b0 - 2 z + 2 tau0 + b0 tau0)]r1[z]/r2[z];
f[z0_] := Re[NIntegrate[Evaluate[{-(G[z] omega3[z] - omega3[z]/G[z] )/2, I(G[z] omega3[z] + omega3[z]/G[z] )/2, omega3[z]}], {z, tau0/2, z0}]] + {0.434156, 0, -1};
a0 = -0.409956; r0 = 2.43051; g[z_] := (EllipticF[ArcSin[(a0 + r0 E^z)/(1 - a0 E^z)], 1/r0^2]/(2EllipticF[Pi/2, 1/r0^2]) + 0.5)(1 + tau0)/2;
surface = ParametricPlot3D[f[g[x + I y]], {x, -2.5, 2.5 - 0.8881}, {y, 0.001,0.999Pi}, PlotPoints -> {15, 10}, Compiled -> False, DisplayFunction -> Identity][[1]];
surface = {surface, RotateShape[surface, 0, 0, Pi]};
Show[Graphics3D[{surface, TranslateShape[surface, {0, 0, 2}]}, ViewPoint -> {1, 6, 3}]];


Jorge-Meeks K-Noids

The following Mathematica code uses some functions that were adapted from Matthias Weber’sMathematica notebook:
(* runtime: 0.4 second *)
<< Graphics`Shapes`;
k = 5; phi1[z_] := z^(k - 1) (k/(1 - z^k) - (k - 1) LerchPhi[z^k, 1, 1 - 1/k])/k^2; phi2[z_] := z(1/(1 - z^k) + (k - 1)LerchPhi[z^k, 1, 1/k]/k)/k;
f[z_] := {0.5 (phi2[z] - phi1[z]), 0.5 I (phi1[z] + phi2[z]), 1/(k - k z^k)};
surface = ParametricPlot3D[Re[f[(1 + 2/(I Exp[x + I y] - 1))^(2/k)]], {x,0, Pi/2}, {y, -Pi/2, Pi/2}, PlotPoints -> {8, 16}, Compiled -> False, DisplayFunction -> Identity][[1]];
surface = {surface, AffineShape[surface, {1, -1, 1}]};
Show[Graphics3D[Table[RotateShape[surface, 0, 0, 2Pi i/k], {i, 0, k - 1}]]];




This minimal surface is a cross between acatenoid andhelicoid. It would be interesting to see what really happens when a spring is covered with a soap film. Click here to download some POV-Ray code. Here is some Mathematica code:
(* runtime: 0.6 second *)
x := Sin[alpha]Cosh[v]; y := Cos[alpha]Sinh[v];
Do[ParametricPlot3D[{x Cos[u] + y Sin[u], x Sin[u] - y Cos[u], u Cos[alpha] + v Sin[alpha]}, {u, 0, 2Pi}, {v, -2.25, 2.25}, PlotPoints -> {36, 10}], {alpha, -Pi/2, Pi/2, Pi/18}];



Richmond’s Minimal Surface

I learned about this minimal surface from Brian Johnston’s website. Here is some Mathematica code:

(* runtime: 2 seconds *)
Richmond[n_, z_] := {-1/(2z) - z^(2n + 1)/(4n + 2), -I/(2z) + I z^(2n + 1)/(4n + 2), z^n/n};
ParametricPlot3D[Re[Richmond[5, r Exp[I theta]]], {r, 0.53, 1.187}, {theta, 0, 2Pi}, PlotPoints -> {25, 180}, Compiled -> False]


Fourth Enneper Surface

Click here to download some POV-Ray code for this image.

Here is some Mathematica code for the Second Enneper Surface:
(* runtime: 0.5 second *)
n = 3; ParametricPlot3D[{r Cos[phi] - r^(2n - 1) Cos[(2n - 1) phi]/(2n - 1), r Sin[phi] + r^(2n - 1) Sin[(2n - 1) phi]/(2n - 1), 2 r^n Cos[n phi]/n, EdgeForm[]}, {phi, 0, 2Pi}, {r, 0, 1.3}, PlotPoints -> {181, 20}, ViewPoint -> {0, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> All]

Link : Enneper Mathematica


Costa’s Minimal Surface

Costa’s Minimal Surface is a classic example of a minimal surface with holes in it, also called “handles”. The number of holes is called the genus of the surface. This surface was discovered by a graduate student. I think it would be interesting to see someone create an actual soap film with this shape.

Here is some Mathematica code:
(* runtime: 5 seconds *)
c = 189.07272; e1 = 6.87519;
Costa[u_, v_] := Module[{z =u + I v}, zeta = WeierstrassZeta[z, {c, 0}]; zeta1 = WeierstrassZeta[z - 1/2, {c, 0}]; zeta2 = WeierstrassZeta[z - I/2, {c, 0}]; p = WeierstrassP[z, {c, 0}]; x = Re[Pi (u + Pi/(4 e1) ) - zeta + Pi(zeta1 - zeta2)/(2 e1)]/2; y = Re[Pi (v + Pi/(4 e1)) - I(zeta + Pi(zeta1 - zeta2)/(2 e1))]/2; z = (Sqrt[2 Pi]/4)Log[Abs[(p - e1)/(p + e1)]]; {x, y, z, EdgeForm[]}];
ParametricPlot3D[Costa[u, v], {u, 0.0001, 1}, {v, 0.0001, 1}, PlotPoints -> 40, PlotRange -> {{-3.5, 3.5}, {-3.5, 3.5}, {-2, 2}},Compiled -> False]

Here is another parametrization:
(* runtime: 5 seconds *)
Costa[z_] := Module[{phi1 = -2 Sqrt[z] Sqrt[1 - z^2] Hypergeometric2F1[1/4, 3/2, 5/4, z^2]/Sqrt[z^2 - 1], phi2 = -(2/3) z^(3/2) Sqrt[z^2 - 1] Hypergeometric2F1[3/4, 1/2, 7/4, z^2]/Sqrt[1 - z^2]}, Re[{phi2 - phi1, I(phi1 +phi2), Log[z - 1] - Log[z + 1]}]/2];
surface = ParametricPlot3D[Costa[Sqrt[Exp[r - I theta] + 1]], {r, -3.5, 6}, {theta, -Pi, Pi}, PlotPoints -> {20, 18}, Compiled -> False][[1]];
<< Graphics`Shapes`; surface = {surface, RotateShape[surface, Pi, 0, 0]}; Show[Graphics3D[{surface, RotateShape[surface, Pi/2, Pi, 0]}]]


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