Christmas Moss, Vesicularia montagnei
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Christmas Moss, Vesicularia montagnei

Christmas Moss, Vesicularia montagnei

Christmas Moss Christmas moss (Vesicularia montagnei) is one of the most widely kept of all aquarium mosses next to Java moss. It got its name because of its unique branch structure, resembling a christmas tree. Also its branched structure is what makes it different from Java moss. Christmas moss grown under bad conditions (low lighting, lack of CO2 and fertilizers, hard water, rare water changes), however, is not as branched and is hard to differentiate from Java moss. Overall, like most mosses christmas moss is easy to keep. But sudden changes in water parameters, such as fluctuations of total hardness after uncareful water changes, may lead to a stress and slower growth.

Christmas moss easily attaches to rocks and driftwood what makes it a convenient tool in aquarium design. Usually, aquarium mosses are used as a binding element between the stones (or driftwood) and other plants. The moss can be attached to rock or driftwood with thread. Cotton thread eventually melts away leaving the moss attached to the substrate.

Growth rate of this aquarium moss is quite high. Therefore, it should be trimmed once in a while in order to keep the composition in order. Otherwise dead areas could form underneath if not enough light is reaching the lower layers of the moss which would cause the moss to detach itself from the rock or driftwood.

Christmas moss can be trimmed in two ways:

  1. By trimming away the whole top layer. As result the moss will grow with many short stems forming bushy mounds.
  2. By trimming certain stems and leaving the most ramified stems. As a result of such trimming, the moss will grow hanging almost like Weeping moss (Vesicularia ferriei).
moss christmas Christmas moss trimming

ry to immediately remove any trimmed pieces from the aquarium, especially when trimming is done according to the first method. You can make the water change by siphoning waste while trimming the moss. Otherwise, these trims can spread across the aquarium and ruin your composition by growing in unexpected places.

One important notice – never keep Siamese algae eaters (SAE) in the tank with aquarium mosses. Moss is the favorite meal of SAE.

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