Sarwa Systems

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This modification allows to obtain an 8 seconds interval of trasmission (here the transmission frame) in a wireless connection; This mods will do believe at transmitter to be connected at station base in wirede mode. To do this you must put a JUMP between 2 pins (down the diode 1n4148) of display connector as shown in this picture:


After this modification, no signal arrives on transmitter so you must add 2 components (2 x 1n4148 diode and 1 x 10K resistorΩ) and cut-off a circuit line, that keep signal from chip (the black circular) to transmitter, as shown in picture:


In both pictures you can see addition of some capacitors, from da 10nF and 100nF that avoid interferences from sensors signals, the others for a better circuit and sensors alimentation; as a matter of fact during data transmission, i have verified a great downing tension and particularly of impulsive type.


IMPORTANT: For a better receiving at 433Mhz I also have modified the station base, changing internal antenna, that originally is a 16 cm cable (circa λ/4), into another similar cable but 34cm (λ/2).

In the last picture there is written in italian : "Tagliare la pista sotto il diodo"
This is in english: "Cut-off circuit line under the diode"
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