RED CHERRY SHRIMP – Neocaridina Heteropoda – facts info

RED CHERRY SHRIMP – Neocaridina Heteropoda – facts info

Name and family:neocaridina

Neo Caridin, scientifically named Caridina Heteropoda or Caridina Red Cherry, is a crustacean that derives, as the largest Caridina Multidated by the Atyidae family and in nature lives in Southeast Asia as in China and Japan. They have become part of the fauna of all domestic aquariums, so very fashionable. They are used to keep the aquarium clean for their debris eating function. Their intervention, however, is very bland and not effective for a real clean.

Feature and behavior:

Neo Carides are small: in nature the wild type is actually almost transparent and the red spots are almost invisible; With much patience over time you have been able to select this particular variety called Red Cherry; They really exist in very large varieties:

Cherry Red, White Pearl, Biene, Chocolate, Black, Sakura, Tiger, Tiger Blue, Green, Yellow, Blue.

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They have a dodgy character. They will need a full set of plants and mosses, both to defend themselves from predators and to be able to pair. It is advisable to set up a closed, taped aquarium, as they often attempt to escape outdoors. Like all crustaceans their growth is marked by a mute that will often change during their lifetime.

Fishes’s coexistence:

They are crustaceans that fit very well into community aquariums and live well with species of minute fish such as Guppy, Corydoras, Otocinclus, Endler, and attention to big predators such as Cyclids. They are bred animals so we recommend putting them in 5/10 number: being very small will not need much space. They are delicate and will not love the presence of too much fertilizer or pollution in the water.

Sexual dimorphism and breeding:

The difference between Neo Caridine’s males and females is that the latter are often larger and more colorful, and that in the more transparent specimens, a bag in the center of the body that contains the eggs will be noticeable. They are ovary animals and their reproduction is quite easy and customary in the aquarium. Eggs are attached to the mother’s womb and after 20/30 days born puppies will be born in tank.

Feeding and mantenance:

Red Cherry crustaceans are omnivorous animals and prefer deep-water tablets, balmy vegetables and animal waste.

Maximum dimension: 2 cm

Swimming level: bottom, total

Ideal temperature range: 15° – 27° celsius

PH range: 6,2 – 8

GH range: 5 – 15