... Hack to set different edge-shadow images for Internet Explorer on Windows than other browsers because Internet Explorer does not offer PNG alpha transparency channels (32-bit) support. The background images are positioned in the upper ...
... fix declarations in master.css and ie.css to enable the .group class to be quickly applied whenever needed to contain floats in all browsers . Quarantine hacks and patches for Internet Explorer into their own style sheet . Applying ...
... PNG images used for the menu system . Therefore , transparent PNGs cannot be utilized here in Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6. This approach will fail even with the filter hack , because the filter hack disables links and causes other ...
... IE 4 to 6 incorrectly include an invisible mystery element in the DOM before the root html element , by using the star html ( “ * html ” ) hack ... PNG background to a div ( unsupported by IE 6 ) , will not be read by IE 6 , making it ...
... PNG file as the background of your HTML elements. This can be applied directly in your CSS file by using conditional comments to include a Microsoft-only CSS file: <!--[if lte IE ... hack */ background-color: transparent; background-image ...
... css / yaru.css yaru - ie.css js / i / yaru.js yandex.png IE - specific hacks could have gone into the main CSS file ( yaru.css ) if they complied with CSS standards : / * Common definitions ( begin ) * / body { } font - family : Arial ...
... PNG correctly . ) It will display the PNG , but it won't do anything with the alpha channel . That sort of defeats the purpose . Fortunately , we can hack IE / Win to recognize and handle the alpha channel with an HTC file , otherwise ...